Vasiltsov Konstantin Sergeevich
12 August 1978 , Leningrad
Biography, education, career:
In 2009, at Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, RAS, Konstantin Vasiltsov defended his Candidate Dissertation, titled The System of Ethnoreligious Beliefs About Man in the Traditional Culture of Iranian Peoples (Based on the Works by Afdal ad-Din Muhammad Kashani). Since 2009 he is a researcher at the Department of Central Asia, MAE RAS.
Areas of expertise: History and ethnography of the peoples of Central Asia; History and ethnography of everyday life; Islamic studies; history of Muslim intellectual tradition: philosophy (falsafa/hikma), Muslim mysticism (tasawwuf), religious and philosophical doctrines of Shiism (Imāmiyya, Ismā'īliyya); religious beliefs and ritual practices of Badakhshan peoples; Muslim hagiographic tradition in Central Asia; folk religion and religious folklore of the peoples of Central Asia