
Tishkov Valery Aleksandrovich

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6 November 1941 (1941-11-06), Nizhniye Sergi, Sverdlovsk Oblast, USSR


Biography, education, career:

Valery Tishkov comes from a family of school teachers. He graduated from school with honours – he was awarded gold medal for exceptional academic performance. After school, he entered the Faculty of History, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. He studied under V.Z. Drobizhev, E.F. Yazkov, G.N. Sevastyanov, and A.L. Narochnitsky. On graduating, he began his career at Magadan Pedagogical Institute, where, at the age of 24, he was appointed Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology. In 1969 Tishkov defended his Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Sciences in History at V.I. Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical Institute; it was titled Historical Preconditions of the Canadian Revolution of 1837. After a few-year break connected with his post-graduate studies and dissertation defense, Tishkov returned to Magadan. In 1972, however, he moved to Moscow, where he worked as a researcher at the Institute of General History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and where, in 1979, he defended his Doctoral Dissertation, based on his monograph The Liberation Movement in Colonial Canada. In 1976—1982 he occupied the position of Scientific Secretary of the Department of History of the USSR AS; in 1982—1992 he was Head of the Department of America, Institute of Ethnography of the USSR AS; in 1988—1989 – he held the position of Deputy Director of the Institute of Ethnography; in 1989—2015 Tishkov was Director of N.N. Miklukho-Maklai Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology; in 2001—2013 — He was Deputy Academician-Secretary and Head of the Department of History, Department of Historical and Philological Sciences, RAS. Since 2003 V. Tishkov has been Dean of the Social Anthropology Research and Education Center, the is Russian State University for the Humanities. Since 2015 he has been Scientific Director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of RAS. He is the initiator and Founding Director of the Network for Ethnological Monitoring and Early Warning (EAWARN). In 1992 V. Tishkov was the Chairman of the State Committee for Nationalities and Minister for Nationalities of the Russian Federation. Tishkov is a Member of the Presidium of the Presidential Council on Interethnic Relations, Member of the Russian Council on International Affairs, Member of the Russian Federation Commission for UNESCO, Member of the Public Council of Federal Migration Service, Member of the Academic Council of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Member of the Collegium of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation (2006—2010), Chairman of the Commission on Tolerance and Freedom of Conscience. He gathered a collection, dedicated to the traditional applied art of Chukchi bone carvers (walrus tusk carving ang engraving). The collection is of great museum value.

Areas of expertise: History and ethnography of the peoples of North and South America; ethnic conflict resolution studies; modern ethno-political and ethno-religion processes; Historiography, Source studies and Methodology of Ethnography; Social anthropology and history; Applied ethnography; social anthropology of North American countries; history of interethnic relations; issues of ethnicity; nationalism

Major scientific achievements:

V. Tishkov is the author of a series of scientific papers on the history and social anthropology of North American countries, on the history of interethnic relations, on ethnic conflict resolution, on ethnicity issues, nationalism, modern ethno-political and ethno-confessional processes, on historiography, source studies and methodology of ethnography. Tishkov is the Founding Director of the Network for Ethnological Monitoring and Early Warning (EAWARN).

Awards and titles:

Valery Tishkov is the recipient of the Medal ‘For Labour Valour’ (1981); he was conferred the title of Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation (1999); he is the recipient of the State Prize of the RF in Science and Technology (2002); recipient of the Order of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow of the Russian Orthodox Church (3rd class) (2008); recipient of the Order of Honour for labour achievements and many years of diligent work (2009). Tishkov was conferred the title of Honoured Scientist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (2014); he is the recipient of the State Prize of the RF in Science and Technology (2014); the recipient of the Order of Friendship for his contribution to the development of science and education, training qualified specialists, and many years of effective work (2016).

Membership in scientific organizations and unions:

Valery Tishkov has held a number of significant positions: he is a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2003); Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2008); he has been Academician-Secretary of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences (since 2013); Member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Board Member of the Association of Anthropologists and Ethnographers of Russia; President of the Academy of Social and Pedagogical Sciences; Founding Director of the Network for Ethnological Monitoring and Early Warning (EAWARN); Vice-President of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (1983—2003).

Major publications:

Страна кленового листа: начало истории. / Отв. ред. Н.А. Ерофеев; Академия наук СССР. М.: Наука, 1977; [The Country of the Maple Leaf: the Beginning of History / Ed. N.A. Erofeev; USSR AS. Moscow: Nauka, 1977];

Освободительное движение в колониальной Канаде. М.: Наука, 1978; [The Liberation Movement in Colonial Canada. Moscow: Nauka, 1978];

• История Канады. М.: Мысль, 1982 (в соавторстве с Л. В. Кошелевым); [The History of Canada. Moscow: Mysl’, 1982 (co-authored with L.V. Koshelev)];

• История и историки США. М.: Наука, 1985; [The History and Historians of the USA. Moscow: Nauka, 1985];

• Dejiny Kanady. Nakladatelstvi Svoboda. Praga, 1986;

• Коренное население Северной Америки в современном мире / отв. ред. В. А. Тишков. М.: Наука, 1990 (в соавторстве с В. П. Алексеевым, В. А. Шнирельманом и др.); [Indigenous Peoples of North America in the Modern World. Moscow: Nauka, 1990 (co-authored with V.P. Alekseev, V.A. Shnirelman and others.)];

• Тропою слёз и надежд: книга о современных индейцах США и Канады. М.: Мысль, 1990 (в соавторстве с Стельмахом В. Г., Чешко С. В.); [The Path of Tears and Hopes: A Book about Modern Indians of the USA and Canada. Moscow: Mysl’, 1990 (co-authored with V.G. Stelmakh and S.V. Cheshko)];

• Русские в Средней Азии и Казахстане. М.: ИЭА РАН, 1992 (Исследования по прикладной и неотложной этнологии. Документ № 51); [Russians in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of RAS, 1992 (Research on applied and urgent ethnology. Doc. № 51)];

• Русские как меньшинство: пример Эстонии. М.: ИЭА РАН, 1992 (Исследования по прикладной и неотложной этнологии. Документ № 52); [Russians as a Minority: the Example of Estonia. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of RAS, 1992 (Research on applied and urgent ethnology. Doc. № 52)];

• Nationalities and Conflicting Ethnicity in Post-Communist Russia, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva, 1994;

• Народы России. Энциклопедия / Тишков В. А. (гл. ред.). М: Большая Российская энциклопедия, 1994; [The Peoples of Russia. Encyclopaedia / Tishkov V.A. (Ed.). Moscow: The Great Russian Encyclopaedia, 1994];

• Россия как многонациональная общность и перспектива межэтнического согласия. М.: АЦ «Российские исследования», 1994 (серия: Политология, вып. IV); [Russia as a Multi-National Community and the Prospects of Interethnic Consent. Moscow: ‘Russian Research’ (Political Science Series, Iss. IV)];

• Концептуальная эволюция национальной политики в России. М.: ИЭА РАН, 1996 (Исследования по прикладной и неотложной этнологии. Документ № 100); [The Conceptual Evolution of National Policy in Russia. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of RAS, 1992 (Research on applied and urgent ethnology. Doc. № 100)];

• Tishkov V. Ethnicity, Nationalism and Conflict in and after the Soviet Union: The Mind Aflame / PRIO, UNRISD. L.: SAGE Publications, 1997;

Очерки теории и политики этничности в России, М.: Русский мир, 1997; [Essays on the Theory and Policy of Ethnicity in Russia. Moscow: Russkiy mir, 1997];

• Народы и религии мира. Энциклопедия / Тишков В. А. (гл. ред.). М.: Большая Российская энциклопедия, 1999; [Peoples and Religions of the World. Encyclopaedia / Tishkov V.A. (Ed.). Moscow: The Great Russian Encyclopaedia, 1999];

Политическая антропология. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press Lewiston-Queenston-Lampeter, 2000. (Российские исследования в гуманитарных науках; т. 14); [Political Anthropology. NY: The Edwin Mellen Press Lewiston-Queenston-Lampter, 2000 (Russian Research in the Humanities; Vol. 14)];

Общество в вооружённом конфликте: этнография чеченской войны. М.: Наука, 2001; [Society in an Armed Conflict: the Ethnography of The Chechen War. Moscow: Nauka, 2001];

Этнология и политика: научная публицистика. М.: Наука, 2001; [Ethnology and Politics: scientific essays. Moscow: Nauka, 2001];

Реквием по этносу: исследования по социально-культурной антропологии. М.: Наука, 2003; [A Requiem for Ethnos: Research on Social and Cultural Anthropology. Moscow: Nauka, 2003];

• Tishkov Valery. Chechnya: Life in a War-Torn Society. Berkeley-LA-London: University of California Press, 2004;

Измерение конфликта. Методика и результаты этноконфессионального мониторинга Сети EAWARN в 2003 году. М.: 2004 (в соавторстве с В.В. Степановым); [Measuring a Conflict. Methods and Results of the Ethno-Confessional Monitoring of the EAWARN Network in 2003. Moscow: 2004 (co-authored with V.V. Stepanov)];

• Национализм в мировой истории / под ред. В.А. Тишкова и В.А. Шнирельмана. М.: Наука, 2007; [Nationalism in the World History / Eds. V.A. Tishkov and V.A. Shnirelman. Moscow: Nauka, 2007];

• Российский Кавказ: книга для политиков / под ред. В.А. Тишкова. М.: Росинформагротех, 2007; [The Russian Caucasus: A Book for Politicians / ed. V.A. Tishkov. Moscow: Rosinformagrotekh, 2007];

The Russian World — Changing Meanings and Strategies. Carnegie Papers. Russia and Eurasia Program. No 95. Washington D.C., 2008;

Этническое и религиозное многообразие – основа стабильности и развития российского общества. М.: Московское бюро по правам человека, «Academia», 2008; [Ethnic and Religious Variety as a Basis for Stability and Development of Russia. Moscow: Moscow Bureau for Human Rights, Academia, 2008];

Наука и жизнь. Разговоры с этнографами. СПб.: Алетейя, 2008; [Science and Life. Talks with Ethnographers. Saint-Petersburg: Aleteya, 2008];

Тундра и море. Чукотско-эскимосская резьба по кости / Описание предметов Ю.А. Широкова, В. А. Тишкова. Фото М. Б. Лейбова. М.: Индрик, 2008; [The Tundra and the Sea. Chukchi-Eskimo Bone Carving / Description of items by Y.A. Shirokov, V.A. Tishkov. Photos by M.B. Leibov. Moscow: Indrik, 2008];

Культура и пространство Книга первая. Образы российских республик в Интернете / Ред. В.К. Малькова и В.А. Тишков. М.: ИЭА РАН, 2009; [Culture and Space. Book I. The Images of Russian Republics on the Internet / Eds. V.K. Malkova and V.A. Tishkov. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of RAS, 2009];

Культура и пространство. Книга вторая. Историко-культурные бренды территорий, регионов и мест / Ред. В.К. Малькова и В.А. Тишков. М., ИЭА РАН. 2010; [Culture and Space. Book II. Historical and Cultural Brands of Territories, Regions, and Places / Eds. V.K. Malkova and V.A. Tishkov. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of RAS, 2010];

Российский народ: книга для учителя. М.: Просвещение, 2010; [The Russian People: A Book for the Teacher. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 2010];

Национальная идентичность и духовно-культурные ценности российского народа. — СПб.: СПбГУП, 2010 (Избранные лекции Университета. Вып. 105); [National Identity and Spiritual and Cultural Values of the Russian People. – Saint-Petersburg: SPUHSS, 2010 (Selected University. Iss. 105)];

Российский народ. История и смысл национального самосознания. М.: Наука, 2013; [The Russian People. History and Essence of National Identity. Moscow: Nauka, 2013];

Ярость благородная… Великая победа и советский народ (антропологический подход) (Исследования по прикладной и неотложной этнологии. Документ № 242). М.: ИЭА РАН, 2015; [Noble Fury… The Great Victory and Soviet People (Anthropological Approach) (Research on applied and urgent ethnology. Doc. № 242). Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of RAS, 2015];

Российская Арктика: коренные народы и промышленное освоение (в соавторстве с Коломиец О. П., Мартыновой Е. П.) СПб.: Нестор-История, 2016; [The Russian Arctic: Indigenous Peoples and Industrial Exploration (co-authored with Kolomiets O.P. and Martynova E.P.). Saint-Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, 2016];

Антропология медиа: теория и практика / Под ред. В.К. Мальковой, В.А. Тишкова. М.: ИЭА РАН, 2016; [Anthropology of the Media: Theory and Practice / Eds. V.K. Malkova and V.A. Tishkov. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of RAS, 2016];

Коллективные труды под редакцией В.А.Тишкова; [Collective Works edited by V.A. Tishkov];

Избранные статьи; [Selected Articles];

Российские и международные документы и доклады; [Russian and International Documents and Papers];

Выступления; [Public Talks];

Видеолекции. [Video Lectures].

About V. Tishkov:

• Тишков Валерий Александрович // Историки России XX века: Биобиблиографический словарь / Автор-составитель А.А. Чернобаев. Под ред. В.А. Динеса. Саратов: Саратовский государственный социально-экономический университет, 2005. Т. 2. С. 405; [Valery Aleksandrovich Tishkov // Russian Historians of the 20th Century: A Bibliographical Dictionary / Comp. By A.A. Chernobaye. Ed. by V.A. Dines. Saratov: Saratov State Socio-Economic University, 2005. Vol. 2. P. 405];

• Валерий Александрович Тишков / Составители Г.М. Тихомирова, Д.Д. Павлова; авторы вступительной статьи Т.Б. Уварова, Е.Н. Викторова. М.: Наука, 2016 (Серия “Материалы к биобиблиографии ученых”). [; [Valery Aleksandrovich Tishkov / Comp. by G.M. Tikhomirova and D.D. Pavlova; Pref. by T.B. Uvarova and E.N. Viktorova. Moscow: Nauka, 2016 (‘Materials on Bibliographies of Scientists’ Series)].

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