
Kislyakov Nikolai Andreevich

11 December [ 28 November] 1900 (1901-12-11), Saint Petersburg — 8 October 1973 (1973-10-09), Leningrad

Н Кисляков (2).jpg

Biography, education, career:

Nikolai Kislyakov was of noble birth. In 1932 he graduated from Leningrad Institute of History and Linguistics, where he had studied under I.I. Zarubin, D.K. Zelenin and E.G. Kagarov. In 1933–1941 he was a researcher at the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1941–1943 Kislyakov occupied the positions of Director of the Museum of Tajik Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Lecturer at the Faculty of History, Stalinobad State Pedagogical Institute. In 1943–1945 he worked at the USSR Embassy in Iran. In 1945–1950 he held the position of Director of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1948–1973 he was Head of the Department of Central Asia, Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1951–1953 and 1957–1961 he was a senior researcher at the Institute of History, Archaeology, and Ethnography of the Tajik SSR Academy of Sciences. On 16 June 1935 N. Kislyakov defended his Candidate’s Dissertation, titled Traces of Primitive Communism in the Culture of Mountain Tajiks of Vakhio-Bolo. On 15 March 1952 he defended his Doctoral Dissertation, titled Tajik Family and Marriage. Nikolai Kislyakov was an experienced field researcher and museologist.

Areas of expertise: History and ethnography of the peoples of Central Asia; Ethnic museology

Major scientific achievements:

N. Kislyakov is among the founders of the Russian school of ethnography of the peoples of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. He is the author of fundamental works on the problems of family-marriage and patriarchal-feudal relations, and on the ethnic composition of the population of Near Asia.

Major publications:

• Следы первобытного коммунизма у горных таджиков Вахиоболо. М.; Л., 1936. 160 с. (ТИЭ. Этнографическая серия. Т. 10. № 2); [Traces of Primitive Communism in the Culture of Mountain Tajiks of Vakhio-Bolo. Moscow; Leningrad, 1936. 160 P. (Works of the Institute of Ethnography. Ethnographic Series. Vol. 10. № 2)];

• Очерки по истории Каратегина: к истории Таджикистана. Сталинабад, 1941. 238 с.; 1954. 224 с.; [Sketches on Karoteghin History: Toward the History of Tajikistan. Stalinabad, 1941. 238 P.; 1954. 224 P.];

• Отдел Передней и Средней Азии ИЭ АН СССР (совместно с Э.Г. Гафферберг) // СЭ. 1948. № 1. С. 207-211; [The Department of Near and Middle Asia of the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR AS (co-authored with E.F. Gaffberg) // Sovetskaya Etnografiya (Soviet Ethnography). 1948. № 1. Pp. 207-211];

• Персы (этнографический очерк) // СЭ. 1953. № 3. С. 92-111; [The Persians (An Ethnographic Sketch) // Sovetskaya Etnografiya (Soviet Ethnography). 1953. № 3. Pp.92-111];

• Население Передней Азии и его происхождение // Народы Передней Азии. М., 1957. С. 19-50; [The Population of Near Asia and Its Origin // Narody Peredney Azii (Peoples of Near Asia). Moscow, 1857. Pp. 19-50];

• Хазара // Там же. С. 107-124; [The Khazars // Ibid. Pp. 107-124];

• Джемшиды // Там же. С. 124-133; [The Jamshidi // Ibid. Pp. 124-133];

• Кафиры // Там же. С. 133-148; [The Kafirs // Ibid. Pp. 133-148];

• Таджики // Там же. С. 149-154; [The Tajiks // Ibid. Pp. 149-154];

• Кашкайцы // Там же. С. 276-283; [The Qashqai // Ibid. Pp. 276-283];

• Семья и брак у таджиков: по материалам конца XIX — начала XX в. М., 1959. 270 с. (ТИЭ. Научный сборник. Т. 44); [Tajik Family and Marriage: On the Material of late 19th – early 20th Centuries. Moscow, 1959. 270 P/ (Works of the Institute of Ethnography. Ethnographic Series. Vol. 44.)];

• Патриархально-феодальные отношения среди оседлого населения Бухарского ханства в конце XIX — начале XX в. М.; Л., 1962. 170 с. (ТИЭ. Научный сборник. Т.74); [Patriarchal-Feudal Relations of Sedentary Population of the Khanate of Bukhara in late 19th – early 20th Centuries. Moscow; Leningrad, 1962. 170 P. (Works of the Institute of Ethnography. Ethnographic Series. Vol. 74)];

• Таджики // Народы Средней Азии и Казахстана. М., 1962. Т. 1. С. 528-637; [The Tajiks // The Peoples of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Moscow, 1962. Vol. 1. Pp. 528-637];

• Проблемы семьи и брака в работах советских этнографов // СЭ. 1967. № 5. С. 92-104; [The Issues of Family and Marriage in the Works by Russian Ethnographers // Sovetskaya Etnografiya (Soviet Ethnography). 1967. № 5. Pp.92-104];

• Очерки по истории семьи и брака у народов Средней Азии и Казахстана. Л., 1969. 240 с.; [Sketches on the History of Family and Marriage in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Leningrad, 1969. 240 P.];

• Наследование и раздел имущества народов Средней Азии и Казахстана (XIX — начало XX в.). Л., 1977. 131 с. [Inheritance and Division of Property in Central Asia and Kazalhstan (19th – early 20th Centuries). Leningrad, 1977. 131 P.].

About N. Kislyakov:

• Биобиблиографические очерки о деятелях общественных наук Узбекистана / Составитель Б.В. Лунин. Ташкент, 1977. Т. 2. С. 387-390; [Bibliographical Sketches on the Social Scientists of Uzbekistan / Comp. by B.V. Lunin. Tashkent, 1977. Vol. 2. Pp. 387-390];

• Н.А. Кисляков // СЭ. 1974. № 3. С. 186-188; [N.A. Kislyakov // Sovetskaya Etnografiya (Soviet Ethnography). 1974. № 3. Pp. 186-188];

• Этнография в Таджикистане: Сборник посвящен Н.А. Кислякову. Душанбе, 1989. 209 с.;[Ethnography in Tajikistan: A Collection of Articles Dedicated to the Memory of N.A. Kislyakov. Dushanbe, 1989. 209 p.];

• Решетов А.М., Кисляков В.Н. Этнограф и музеевед Н.А. Кисляков. К 100-летию со дня рождения // ЭО. 2002. № 5. С.108-120.[Reshetov, A.M., Kislyakov, V.N. N.A. Kislyakov as an Ethnographer and Museologist. On the Occasion of N.A. Kislyakov’s 100th Anniversary // Etnograficheskoye Obozreniye (Ethnographic Review). 2002. № 5. Pp.108-120].

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