
Kereitov Ramazan Husinovich

26 September 1943 (1943-09-26), Erkin-Halk aul, Cherkess Autonomous Region

Biography, education, career:

In 1973 Kereitov defended his Candidate’s Dissertation, titled Family and marriage of the Kuban Nogais in the past and present at the Moscow State University, in 2000 ‑ the Doctoral Dissertation, titled Common Turkic elements in ethnic history and everyday culture of the Nogai people at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1968‑1969 he worked as the Head of the Department of Culture of the Adygea-Khablsky District Executive Committee; in 1969‑1970 as a head teacher at the Erkin-Halki secondary school. Since 1974 he has successfully occupied the positions of senior researcher, head of the Department of the Nogai Studies, head of the Department of Ethnography at the Karachay-Cherkess Research Institute for the History, Philology and Economics (now the Institute of Humanitarian Studies under the Government of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic).

Areas of expertise: History and ethnography of the peoples of the North and South Caucasus; history and ethnography of the Nogais

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