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14 March 1958 (1958-03-14), Chelyabinsk


Biography, education, career:

Andrei Golovnev was born in Chelyabinsk, the Urals, in 1958, and grew up in Omsk, Siberia. He was professionally educated in history at Omsk State University and in ethnography – at Moscow State University. He was supervised by Prof. Leonid Lashuk (Moscow University) and Dr. Vladimir Vasilyev (Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences). His both dissertations were on ethnography: in 1986 he defended the candidate dissertation Historical Forms of Economy among the Peoples of North-West Siberia (Moscow State University); in 1995 doctoral dissertation Samoyeds and Ugrians of Western Siberia: Complexes of Traditional Cultures (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of RAS). Professor (2000) and Corresponding Member of RAS (2003). Author of 300 scientific papers, including 7 monographs. He is the author/director of 10 ethnographic documentaries, awarded with prizes of Russian and international film festivals; author of a book of poems and songs titled A House on the Hill (Ekaterinburg, 1997). He lectured and delivered public lectures at universities in Russia (Higher School of Economics, Saint-Petersburg State University, Belgorod State University, Ural Federal University, Ural State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk State University, Omsk State University, etc.) and abroad (Berlin Humboldt, Germany; Tromso, Norway; Arkansas, Brown, Columbia, Dartmouth College, Miami, Smithsonian Institution, USA; Helsinki, Lapland-Arctic Centre, Finland). He has a forty-year experience in field research on Yamal, Taymyr, Gydan, the Urals, European North of Russia, Chukotka, Yugra, Yakutia, Fennoscandia, Alaska and other areas of the Arctic and Subarctic region; his field research was carried out among the Nenets, the Selkup, the Enets, the Khanti and Mansi, the Sami, the Komi-Zyrian, the Chukchi, the Evenks, Yakuts, Siberian and Ural Tatars, the Bashkirs, the Nagaibaks, Russian Pomors, Old Believers, Siberian Old-Settlers, and Ural Germans. His record of employment includes being a teacher of history in Ust-Ishim village; lecturer and Head of the Department of the USSR History at Tobolsk Pedagogical Institute; Head of the Department of Archaeology and Ethnology at Ural Federal University; Chief Researcher at the Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Branch of RAS, Ekaterinburg. At present he holds the position of Director of Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), RAS (since 2017).

Areas of expertise: History and ethnography of the peoples of Siberia, the Extreme North, and the Far East; Historiography, Source studies and Methodology of Ethnography; Visual anthropology; Mythology; anthropology of movement; nomadology, ethnicity and ethnophenomenology; history of ethnography; history and theory of colonization

Major scientific achievements:

Author of the anthropology of movement theory, listed in RAS’s outstanding scientific achievements of 2009; founder of the Anthropology of movement scientific school. This methodology reveals prehistory, history and present-day reality both dynamically and statically, through interaction between mainstream and local cultures, using the motive-decision-action algorithm with an emphasis on event scenarios and personal motion-drivers for activity. The field research method of the anthropology/ ethnography of movement includes the tracking-mapping-acting (path-roadmap-action) algorithm involving the recording and description of movement by means of audiovisual, navigation, cartographic and textual tools. Author of the description and interpretation of Northern peoples’ cultural phenomena using a four-dimensional ecosocial space and the ‘talking cultures’ format. One of the founders of Russian visual anthropology (cinemanthropology), winner of the I and II Russian Festival of Anthropological Films Grand-Prix (1998, 2000), winner of Smithsonian Institution Award (USA, 1994), President of Russian Anthropological Film Festival.

Research supervision and editorial work:

Founder and Director of Ethnographic Bureau non-profit partnership (since 1991) that implemented several major research and practice projects, including the creation of Link of Times permanent exhibition, Museum of Nature and Man, Khanty-Mansiisk. Head of Organizing Committees of international fora: I–III Northern Archaeological Congresses (Khanty-Mansiisk, 2002, 2006, 2010); XI Congress of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia (Ekaterinburg, 2015); I–IX Russian Festivals of Anthropological Films (Salekhard, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, Ekaterinburg, 2011, 2013, 2015) and International Russia Forum (Ekaterinburg, 2011, 2013). He conducts and supervises dozens of research projects, performed on the grants from Russian and foreign funds, including the RSF grant Mobility in the Arctic: Ethnic Traditions and Technological Innovations (2014-2018). Editor-in-Chief of journals: Etnografia (Ethnography) Kunstkamera (Kunstkammer) Member of the Editorial Boards of journals: Anthropology & Archaeology of Eurasia Etnoantropologia Forum for Anthropology and Culture Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. Istoria (Bulletin of Saint-Petersburg State University: History) Uralskiy Istoricheskiy Vestnik (Ural Historical Journal) Arkheologiya, Etnographiya and Antropologiya Evrazii (Archaeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of Eurasia) Izvestiya Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Geoarkheologiya. Etnologiya. Antropologiya (Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology. Ethnology. Anthropology) Vestnik Severnogo Federalnogo Universiteta. Gumanitarnye i Sotsialnye nauki (Bulletin of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Humanities and Social Sciences) Vestnik Omskogo Universiteta. Istoricheskiye Nauki (Bulletin of Omsk University. Historical Sciences) Tractus Aevorum.

Awards and Titles:

The Andris Slapins Memorial Award (Smithsonian Institution, USA) (1994); M.V. Lomonosov Award of Arkhangelsk Region Administration (2013); Professor Emeritus of Omsk F.M. Dostoevsky State University (2018).

Membership in scientific organizations and unions:

Bureau of Historical and Philological Studies Department of RAS; Ethnographic Committee of Russian Geographical Society; Presidium of Association of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia; International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES); World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA); International Arctic Social Sciences Associations (IASSA); Working group of International Arctic Science Committee (IASC).

Major publication:

• Историческая типология хозяйства народов Северо-Западной Сибири. Новосибирск: НГУ, 1993. 204 с. [Historical Typology of the Economy of Northwest Siberian Peoples. Novosibirsk: NSU, 1993. 204 p.]

• Говорящие культуры: традиции самодийцев и угров. Екатеринбург: УрО РАН, 1995. 607 с. [Talking Cultures: Traditions of Samoyeds and Ugrians. Ekaterinburg. Ural Branch of RAS, 1995. 607 p.]

• Siberian Survival: The Nenets and Their Story. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1999. 224 p. (with G. Osherenko).

• Кочевники тундры: ненцы и их фольклор. Екатеринбург: УрО РАН, 2004. 344 с. [Tundra Nomads: the Nenets and Their Folklore. Ekaterinburg. Ural Branch of RAS, 2004. 344 p.]

• Антропология движения. Екатеринбург: УрО РАН; "Волот", 2009. 497 с. [Anthropology of Movement. Ekaterinburg. Ural Branch of RAS; Volot, 2009. 497 p.]

• Феномен колонизации. Екатеринбург: УрО РАН, 2015. 592 с. [The Phenomenon of Colonization. Ekaterinburg. Ural Branch of RAS, 2015. 592 p.]

• Этноэкспертиза на Ямале: ненецкие кочевья и газовые месторождения. Екатеринбург: Изд-во АМБ, 2014. 232 с. (соавт. С. В. Лёзова, И. В. Абрамов, С. Ю. Белоруссова, Н. А. Бабенкова). [Ethnic Expertise on Yamal: Nenets Migrations and Gas Fields. Ekaterinburg: AMB Publishers, 2014. 232 p. (co-authored with S.V. Lyozova, I.V. Abramov, S.U. Belorussova, N.A. Babenkova)]

• Кочевники Арктики: текстово-визуальные миниатюры. Екатеринбург: Типография «Альфа-принт», 2015. 132 с. (соавт. Е. В. Перевалова, И. В. Абрамов, Д. А. Куканов, А. С. Рогова, С. Г. Усенюк). [Arctic Nomads: Verbal-Visual Miniatures. Ekaterinburg: Alfa-Print Publishers, 2015. 132 p.]

• Оленеводы Ямала (материалы к Атласу кочевых технологий). Екатеринбург: УрО РАН. 2016. 152 с. (соавт. Н. П. Гарин, Д. А. Куканов). [Yamal Reindeer Herders (Data for the Atlas of Nomadic Technologies). Ekaterinburg: Ural Branch of RAS. 2016. 152 p. (co-authored with N.P. Garin, D.A. Kukanov)]


• Road of Tatva. 1992. 28 min;

• Yamal Gods. 1992. 30 min;

• Legend of Sikhirtya. 1993. 17 min;

• Devil's Lake. 1993. 29 min;

• Khadampae. 1994. 24 min;

• On the Other Shore. 1995. 27 min;

• Way to the Sacred Place. 1997. 47 min;

• Pegtymel. 2000. 32 min;

• Zhokhov Island. 2002. 52 min;

• Post-Horse. 2008. 36 min.

About A. Golovnev:

• Пинский Б. От Ямала до Арканзаса: кочующий доктор наук, которому хорошо в дороге // Советский экран. 1998. Спецвыпуск. С. 28–30 [Pinsky, B. From Yamal to Arkansas: A Nomadic Habilitation Doctor Who Feels Good on the Road) // Sovetskii Ekran. 1998, Special Issue. P.p. 28-30.];

• Историки Урала, XVIII–XX вв. Екатеринбург, 2003. С. 88–89 [Historians of Ural, 18th-20th Centuries. Ekaterinburg, 2003. P.p. 88-89];

• Ямал. Энциклопедия. Салехард, 2004. Т. 1. С. 233 [Yamal. Encyclopaedia. Salekhard, 2004. Vol.1. P. 233];

• Гриценко В. Приключилось на Севере. Екатеринбург, 2005. С. 168–199 [Gritsenko, V. It Happened in the North. Ekaterinburg, 2005. P.p. 168-199];

• Анашкин С. Разглядеть в чужом самого себя // Искусство кино. 2008. № 1. С. 80–87 [Anashkin, S. Recognizing Yourself in a Starnger // Iskusstvo kino (The Art of Cinematography). 2008. № 1/ P.p. 80-87];

• Тишков В. А. Движение как феномен истории и культуры // Вестник РАН. Т. 80, № 10. 2010. С. 947–950 [Tishkov V.A. Movement as a Cultural and Historical Phenomenon // Vestnik RAN (Bulletin of RAS). Vol. 80, № 10. 2010. P.p. 947-950].

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