
Buzhilova Aleksandra Petrovna

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8 October 1960 (1960-10-08), Kishinev, Moldavian SSR, USSR


Biography, education, career:

In 1987 Aleksandra Buzhilova graduated from the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. Her teachers in science are Y. S. Rychkov, T.I. Alekseeva, D. Ortner (USA), K. Manchester (Great Britain). In 1994 Aleksandra Buzhilova completed certification in Paleopathology of Man at Bradford University, Great Britain. In 1993, at the Institute of Archaeology, RAS, she defended her Candidate Dissertation, titled The Possibilities of Historical and Ecological Reconstructions Based on Paleopathological Data, and received the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences (in archaeology). In 2001 she defended her Doctoral Dissertation, titled Adaptive Processes in Ancient Population of East Europe (Based on Paleopathological Data). In 1987—1989 Buzhilova was a staff member of the Department of Anthropology, MSU; in 1989—1992 she did her postgraduate course at the Institute of Archaeology, RAS; and in 1993—1994 she was junior researcher, researcher, leading researcher, and then Head of the Group of Physical Anthropology at the Institute of Archaeology, RAS (2002—2011). In 2007—2014 Buzhilova was Head of the International Associative French-Russian Laboratory ‘Koenigsberg – 1812’. Since 2008 – Director of the Research Institute and the Museum of Anthropology, MSU. Since 2008 – Correspondent Member of RAS; since 2016 – Academician of RAS (Department of Historical and Philological Sciences; ethnology and anthropology). Buzhilova is the author of a series of lecture courses for students of the Faculties of Biology, Journalism, History, and the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State Univercity and Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. She is a member of editorial boards of the following scientific journals: Rossiyskaya Arkheologiya (Russian Archaeolgy), Vestnik MGU, seriya 23 – Antroplogiya (Bulletin of MSU, Series 23 – Anthropology), Vestnik Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Seriya 4 – Istoriya. Regionovedeniye. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. (Bulletin of Volgograd State University, Series 4 – History. Regional Studies. International Relations), Vestnik Arkheologii, Antropologii i etnografii (electronic journal) (Bulletin of Archaeology, Anthropology, and Ethnography), Arkheologiya, Etnografiya i Antropologiya Evrazii (Archaeology, Ethnography, and Anthropology of Eurasia), Human Evolution (International and Interdisciplinary Journal), International Journal of Anthropology (Official Organ of European Anthropological Association). Buzhilova is a member of the Academic Board of Moscow State Univercity; member of the Academic Board of the Institute of Archaeology, RAS; President of the Academic Board of the Research Institute and the Museum of Anthropology, Moscow State Univercity; member of the Doctoral Dissertation Council at the Research Institute and the Museum of Anthropology, Moscow State University.

Areas of expertise: Paleoethnography; Archaeology; History and ethnography of nomadic peoples; paleodemographics; paleoecology and adaptation; diseases of ancient people; bioarchaeological reconstruction; paleogenetics

Major scientific achievements:

Buzhilova is the author of a series of papers on paleopathology, paleodemography, paleoecology, and paleogenetics. She is the author of over 200 scientific papers (with over 100 papers published in the last 5 years), including 7 monographs (with 5 of them published in the last 5 years) and 37 Chapters in 14 joint monographs.

Awards and distinctions:

Cavalier of the Order of Academic Palms (France) (Chevalier, l'Ordre des Palmes académiques) (2016).

Membership in scientific organizations and unions:

Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; member of the European Anthropological Association; member of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists; member of the International Paleontological Association.

Major publications:

• Древнее население (палеопатологические аспекты исследования). М.: ИА РАН-РГНФ, 1995; [Ancient Population (Paleopathological Aspects of Research). M.: IA RAS-RHSF, 1995];

• Историческая экология человека. Методика биологических исследований. М.: Старый Сад, 1998 (в соавторстве с Козловской М.В., Медниковой М.Б.); [Historical Ecology of Man. A Method of Biological Research. M.: Stary Sad, 1998 (co-authored with Kozlovskaya M.V. and Mednikova M.B.)];

• Восточные славяне. Антропология и этническая история / Ред. Т.И. Алексеева. М.: Научный мир, 1999 (главы: География русских фамилий; Болезни в средневековой Руси); [East Slavs. Anthropology and Ethnic History / ed. Alekseeva T.I. M.: Nauchny mir, 1999 (Chapters: The Geography of Russian Family Names; Diseases in Medieval Rus)];

• Средневековое расселение на Белом озере. М.: Языки русской культуры, 2001 (в соавторстве с Макаровым Н.А., Захаровым С.Д.); [Medieval Settlement Around Lake Beloye. M.: The Languages of Russian Culture, 2001 (co-authored with Makarov N.A. and Zakharov S.D.)];

• Новохарьковский могильник эпохи Золотой орды. Воронеж: Издательство Воронежского государственного университета, 2002 (в соавторстве с Алексеевой Т.И., Винниковым А.З., Волковым И.В., Козловской М.В., Лебединской Г.В., Медниковой М.Б., Цыбиным М.В.); [New Kharkiv Burial of the Golden Horde Period. Voronezh: Izdatelstvo Voronezhskogo universiteta, 2002 (co-authored with Alekseeva T.I., Vinnikov A.Z., Volkov I.V., Kozlovskaya M.V., Lebedinskaya G.V., Mednikova M.B., Tsybin M.V.)];

• The Past and Present of Leprosy Archaeological, historical, palaeopathological and clinical approaches. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2002 (part 4: Buzhilova A.P. Georaphy of leprosy in Russian Empire: historical evidence of dissemination of the disease);

• Каргалы. Население Каргалов: палеоантропологические исследования. IV/2. М.: Языки славянской культуры, 2005 (в соавторстве с Добровольской М.В., Медниковой М.Б., Куликовым Е.Е., Полтараус А.Б., Хохловым А.А., Черных Е.Н.); [Kargaly. The Population of Kargaly: Paleoanthropologic Research. IV/2. M.: Yazyki slavyanskoy kultury, 2005 (co-authored with Dobrovolskaya M.B., Mednikova M.B., Kulikov E.E., Poltaraus A.B., Khokhlov A.A., Chernykh E.N.)];

• Homo sapiens. История болезни. М.: Языки славянской культуры, 2005; [Homo Sapiens. Clinical History. M., Yazyki slavyanskoy kultury, 2005];

• Ископаемый Homo из Хвалынска. М.: ТАУС, 2008. Серия «Антропологическая коллекция» (в соавторстве с Медниковой М.В., Добровольской М.В., Кандиновым М.Н.); [Fossil Homo Sapiens from Khvalynsk. M. TAUS, 2008. Anthropological Collection Series (co-authored with Mednikova M.B., Dobrovolskaya M.B, Kandinov M.N.)];

• Палеоантропологические исследования материалов Остолоповского селища. Казань: РИЦ Школа, 2009 (в соавторстве с Гатаулиной Д.И., Никитиным С.А., Руденко К.А., Шамовой С.Г.); [Paleoanthropological Research of the Materials from Ostolopovskoye Settlement. Kazan: RITS Shkola, 2009 (co-authored with Gataulina D.I., Rudenko K.A., Shamova S.G.)]

• Исследования палеолита в Зарайске. 1999—2005 / Под ред. Х.А. Амирханова. М.: Палеограф, 2009 (в соавторстве с Амирхановым Х.А., Ахметгалеевой Н.Б., Буровой Н.Д., Лев С.Ю., Мащенко Е.Н.); [Studies of the Paleolithic Period in Zaraysk / Ed. Amirkhanov Kh.A. M.: Paleograf, 2009 (co-authored with Amirkhanov Kh.A. M, Akhmetgaleeva N.B., Burova N.D., Lev S.Y., Mashchenko E.N.)];

• Археология севернорусской деревни X—XIII веков. Средневековые поселения и могильники на Кубенском озере. Т. 3. Палеоэкологические условия, общество и культура / Ред. Н.А.Макаров. М.: «Наука», 2009 (глава 2. Средневековое население Мининского микрорегиона); [Archaeology of the Russian Village of the 10th-13th Centuries. Medieval Settlements Around Lake Kubenskoye. Vol. 3. Paleoecological Conditions, Society, and Culture. / Ed. Makarov N.A. M.: Nauka, 2009];

• Кони, колесницы и колесничие степей Евразии. Екатеринбург, 2010 (в соавторстве с Бочкаревым В.С., Епимаховым А.В., Клейн Л.С., Косинцевым П.А., Кулланда С.В., Кузнецовым П.Ф., Кузьминой Е.Е., Медниковой М.Б., Усачук А.Н., Хохловым А.А., Черленок Е.А., Чечушковым И.В.); [Horses, Chariots, and Charioteers of Eurasian Steppes. Ekaterinburg, 2010 (co-authored with Bochkarev V.S., Epimakhov A.V., Klein L.S., Kosintsev P.A., Kullanda S.V., Kuznetsov P.F., Kuzmina E.E., Mednikova M.B., Usachuk A.N., Khokhlov A.A., Cherlenok E.A., Chechushkov I.V.)];

• The Routledge Handbook of Archaeological Human Remains and Legislation. An international guide to laws and practice in the excavation and treatment of archaeological human remains / Nicholas Marquez Grant & Linda Fibiger (eds). Routledge, 2011 (Buzhilova Alexandra. Chapter 35. Russia);

• The Global History of Paleopathology: Pioneers and Prospects / Buikstra JE & Roberts CA (eds.). Oxford University Press, 2012 (Buzhilova A.P. Chapter 56. Palaeopathology in Russia);

• The Routledge Handbook of the Bioarchaeology of Human Conflict / Knüsel Chr., Smith, M.J. (eds.). Routledge, 2013 (Dutour O., Buzhilova A. Paleopathological study of Napoleonic mass graves discovered in Russia);

• The People of Sunghir: Burials, Bodies, and Behavior in the Earlier Upper Paleolithic. Oxford: Oxford University press, 2014 (co-authored with Trinkaus E., Buzhilova A., Mednikova M., Dobrovolskaya M.);

List of publications, papers, and lecture courses.

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