
Bromley Yulian Vladimirovich

21 February 1921 (1921-02-21), Moscow — 4 June 1990 (1990-06-05), Moscow

Biography, education, career:

Yulian Bromley’s father, Professor V.S. Sergeyev (1883–1941), was a historian; his mother, N.N. Bromley (1887-1986), – a teacher of English. In 1939–1945 Bromley served in the Red Army, participated in the Great Patriotic War. In 1945–1950 he was a student of the Faculty of History, Moscow State University. In 1950–1952 Bromley was a junior researcher at the Institute of Slavic Studies, USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1947–1966 he occupied the position of Scientific Secretary of the Bureau of the Department of History, USSR AS. In 1966 – Director, and in 1989–1990 – Honorary Director of the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1956 Bromley defended his Candidate Dissertation, titled Escalation of Feudal Oppression in Croatian Village in the 16th Century and the Peasant Revolt of 1573. In 1965 he defended his Doctoral Dissertation, titled Feudalization if Croatia (Towards Studying the Process of Class Formation in Slavic Countries.). From 1972 – Professor and in 1976–1989 Deputy Chief Academic Secretary of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1968–1985 Deputy Academic Secretary of the Department of History, USSR AS.

Areas of expertise: Historiography, Source studies and Methodology of Ethnography; Social anthropology and history; History and ethnography of Slavic peoples; History and ethnography of the peoples of Europe; problems of community and class formation; theory of ethnos, types of ethnic communities, contemporary ethnic processes

Awards and distinctions:

1978, 1986 – recipient of the USSR State Prize; 1974 – recipient of N. Miklukho-Maclay Prize (USSR Academy of Sciences).

Membership in scientific organizations and unions:

From 1966 – Correspondent member, and from 1976 – Full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1969–1990 Chairman of National Processes Interdepartmental Research Council, Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Major publications:

• Крестьянское восстание в Хорватии 1573 г. М., 1959 [The Croatian Peasant Revolt of 1573. M., 1959];

• Становление феодализма в Хорватии: (К изучению процесса классообразования у славян). М., 1964; [Feudalization if Croatia (Towards Studying the Process of Class Formation in Slavic Countries.M., 1964];

• Этнос и этнография. М., 1973; [Ethnos and Ethnography. M., 1973]

• Современные проблемы этнографии: Очерки теории и истории. М., 1981; [Contemporary Problems of Ethnography: Theoretical and Historical Sketches. M., 1981];

• Брак и семья у народов Югославии: опыт историко-этнографического исследования (совместно с М.С. Кашубой) М., 1982; [Marriage and Family in Yogoslavia: An Experimental Historic-Ethnographic Research (co-authored with M.S. Kashuba). M., 1982];

• Очерки теории этноса. М., 1983; [Sketches on the Theory of Ethnos. M., 1983];

• Этносоциальные процессы: теория, история, современность. М., 1987; [Ethnosocial Processes: Theory, Practice, and the Present. M., 1987];

• Национальные проблемы в условиях перестройки // ВИ. 1989. № 1. С. 24-41; [National Problems during Transition // Voprosy Istorii. 1989. № 1. P.p. 24-41];

• Человек в этнической (национальной) системе // ВФ. 1988. № 5. С. 16-28; [Man in the Ethnic (National) System // Voprosy Filosofii. 1988. № 5. P.p. 16-28;];

• Человечество — это народ (совместно с Р.Г. Подольским). М., 1990. [Humanity is a People (co-authored with R.G. Podolsky). M., 1990];

About Y. Bromley:

• Козлов В.И. Об академике Ю.В. Бромлее — ученом и человеке // ЭО. 2001. № 4. С. 3-9; [Kozlov, V.I. About Academician Y.V. Bromley – Scientist and Man // Etnograficheskoye obozrenie. 2001. № 4. P.p. 3-9];

• Академик Ю.В. Бромлей и отечественная этнология в 1960-1990-е годы. М., 2003; [Academician Y.V. Bromley and Russian Ethnology in 1960-1990-s. M., 2003];

• Вайнштейн С.И. Ю.В. Бромлей: человек, гражданин, ученый // Выдающиеся отечественные этнологи и антропологи XX в. М., 2004. С. 608-627. [Vainshtein, S.I. Y.V. Bromley – Man, Citizen, Scientist // Prominent Russian Ethnologists and Anthropologists of the 20th Century. M., 2004. P.p. 608-627].

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