Kazmina Olga Evgenyevna
28 February 1963
Biography, education, career:
In 1991 Olga Kazmina defended her Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Sciences in History at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the USSR Academy of Sciences; it was titled The Dynamics of Ethnic Composition in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the 20th Century (An Ethno-Demographic Study). In 2007 she defended her Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Sciences in History at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov; it was titled Russian Orthodox Church and the New Religious Situation in Modern Russia (On Ethno-Confessions). Since 1991 Kazmina has worked at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, presently, in the position of Deputy Dean for International Cooperation, Faculty of History (since 2011).
Areas of expertise: Ethnic religious studies; ethno-demography