Bagashev Anatoly Nikolaevich
28 June 1957 , Berezniki, Perm Region
Biography, education, career:
In 1989 Anatoly Bagashev defended his candidate dissertation at the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Science. It was titled The Anthropological Composition and Problems of Formation of Tobolo-Irtysh Tatars, According to the Data of Cranial Osteology. In 2000 he defended his doctoral dissertation titled The Formation of Ancient and Contemporary population of Western Siberia, According to Craniological Data.
Areas of expertise: Physical anthropology; History and ethnography of the peoples of Siberia, the Extreme North, and the Far East; paleoanthropology and ethnic anthropology of North Eurasia. Research field: origin and anthropological composition of ancient and contemporary population
Major scientific achievements:
Anatoly Bagashev managed to trace the basic formative stages of anthropological properties of the ancient and contemporary population of Western Siberia. He identified the origins of anthropological types, peculiar to contemporary South Samodian and Ob-Ugrian groups. Factual evidence proves the hypothesis that the basic race-forming factor in Western Siberia was the preservation of undifferentiated properties, due to geographical isolation. A new taxonomic category was defined: West Siberian race consisting of two anthropologic types, Ural and Ob-Irtysh, the latter can be further subdivided into two population groups: Tomsk-Narymsk and Tobolo-Barabinsk. There is a secondary West Siberian cluster of race formation, with two more daughter tertiary clusters: Northern West Siberian (Ugric line of genesis) and Southern West Siberian (South Samodian line of genesis). The scholar studied the anthropological composition of West Siberian population during the early Iron period, traced the genesis of its components, some of which stem from Neolith, and studied the historic fate of early seminomadic groups.