Golubkova Olga Vladimirovna
6 November 1973 , Novosibirsk
Biography, education, career:
In 2001 Olga Golubkova defended her Candidate Dissertation, titled Female Figures in the Folk Beliefs of East Slavs of Siberia. In 2000–2009 she was a researcher and from 2009 she is a senior researcher at the Department of Ethnography of the Institute of Archaeology of the Siberian Branch of RAS.
Areas of expertise: Mythology; Spiritual culture; History and ethnography of Slavic peoples; Ethnopsychology; Ethnic religious studies; traditional culture, study of the folk beliefs of Russians, Ukrainians, Byelorussians, and the Komi: determining the residue survival of traditional worldview, the mechanisms of change and the emergence of new mythological figures, plots, rituals, as well as their interpretation (from the standpoint of informants, i.e. in the folk Christian context) in the folklore-poetic and ritual spheres; study of the ethnocultural interinfluence in the areas of interethnic contacts between East-Slav and Finno-Ugric peoples