
Vinnikov Isaac Natanovich

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8 December [ 26 November] 1897 (1897-12-08), the town of Khotimsk, Mogilev Governorate — 27 June 1973 (1973-06-28), Leningrad


Biography, education, career:

Isaac Vinnikov comes from a family of public servant. Doctor of Sciences (from 19 June 1941), Professor (from 2 March 1946). In 1925 he graduated from the Department of Ethnology and Linguistics of the Faculty of Social Science, Leningrad State University. Vinnikov lectured at the Department of Ethnography of the Faculty of Geography, LSU. He worked at the MAE (1929–1933), at the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR AS (1933–1943, including 1941–1942, when he occupied the position of Director), and at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR AS (1943–1953) in Leningrad. He was the founder and Head of the Department of Ethnography (1938–1949), Head of the Department of Assyrian and Hebrew Studies (1945–1949), Professor of the Department of Arab Philology (from 1955) of Leningrad State University.

Areas of expertise: Historiography, Source studies and Methodology of Ethnography; Ethnolinguistics; History and ethnography of the peoples of Central Asia; folklore and language of Bukhara (Central Asian) Arabs (Vinnikov participated in numerous expeditions to Central Asia in 1936–1944); Semitic linguistics

Major scientific achievements:

Together with A.B. Piotrovsky, I. Vinnikov prepared and got published N.N. Miklukho-Maklay’s Collected Works in 2 volumes (1940-1941).

Major publications:

• Дождь, вода и растительность на могиле доисламских арабов // Записки Коллегии востоковедов. Л., 1930. Т. 5. С. 367-377; [Rain, Water, and Vegetation on the Graves of Pre-Islamic Arabs // Zapiski Kollegii Vostokovedov (Notes of the College of Orientalists). Leningrad, 1930. Vol.5. P. 367-377];

• Некоторые вопросы социальной организации австралийцев // СЭ. 1934. № 4. С. 3-33; [Some Issues of Social Organization of Australians // Sovetskaya Etnografiya (Soviet Ethnography). 1934. № 4. P. 3-33)];

• Письма Бахофену к Моргану // СЭ. 1934. № 6. С. 70-85; [Letters from Bachofen to Morgan // Sovetskaya Etnografiya (Soviet Ethnography). 1934. № 6. P.p. 70-85)];

• Из архива Льюиса Генри Моргана. М.; Л., 1935 (ТИЭ. Т. 2.); [From the Archive of Lewis Henry Morgan. Moscow; Leningrad, 1935 (Works of the Institute of Ethnography. Vol.2)];

• Библиография этнографических и лингвистических работ В.Г. Богораза // СЭ. 1935. № 4-5. С. 235-241; [A Bibliography of Works on Ethnography and Linguistics by V.G. Bogoraz // Sovetskaya Etnografiya (Soviet Ethnography). 1935 № 4-5. P. 235-241)];

• Программа для сбора материала по системам родства и свойства. М.; Л., 1936; [A Programme for Collecting Materials on the Kinship and Marriage Systems. Moscow; Leningrad, 1936];

• Этнографическое изучение андаманцев (Библиографический обзор) (совместно с Ю.В. Фридлендером) // СЭ. 1937. № 4. С. 155-192; [An Ethnographic Study of the Adamanese (A Bibliographic review) (co-authored with Y.V. Fridlender) // Sovetskaya Etnografiya (Soviet Ethnography). 1937 № 4. P.p. 155-192)];

• Неопубликованная рукопись Льюиса Г. Моргана о плясках северо-американских индейских племен // СЭ. 1938. № 1. С. 167-184; [Lewis H. Morgan’s Unpublished Manuscript on the Dances of North American Indian Tribes // Sovetskaya Etnografiya (Soviet Ethnography). 1938. № 1. P. 167-184)];

• Вновь организуемое этнографическое отделение на филологическом факультете Ленинградского государственного университета // Там же. С. 232-233; [The New Department of Ethnography at the Faculty of Philology of Leningrad State University // Ibid. P.p. 232-233];

• Арабы в СССР // СЭ. Т. 4. М., Л.; 1949. С. 3-22; [Arabs in the USSR // Sovetskaya Etnografiya (Soviet Ethnography). Vol.4. Moscow; Leningrad; 1949. P.p. 3-22];

• Словарь диалекта бухарских арабов // Палестинский сборник. 1962. Вып. 10; [A Dictionary of Bukhara Arabs’ Dialect // Palestinian Collection. 1962. Iss. 10];

• Словарь арамейских надписей // Палестинский сборник. 1958-1965; [A Dictionary of Aramaic Inscriptions // Palestinian Collection. 1958-1965];

• Язык и фольклор бухарских арабов (тексты и переводы). М., 1969. [The Language and Folklore of Bukhara Arabs (Original Texts and Translations). Moscow, 1969].

About I. Vinnikov:

• Вопросы филологии и истории стран Азии и Африки: Сборник в честь профессора И.Н. Винникова. Л., 1971. Вып. 1; [Questions of Philology and History of Asian and African Countries: A Collection of Papers in Honour of Professor I.N. Vinnikov. Leningrad, 1971. Iss.1];

• Памяти И.Н. Винникова (1897-1973) // НАА. 1974. № 5. С. 247-248; [In Memory of I.N. Vinnikov (1897-1973) // Narody Azii I Afriki (Peoples of Asia and Africa). 1974. № 5. P. 247-248];

• Решетов А.М. Профессор И.Н. Винников как этнограф // Материалы научной конференции Восточного факультета, посвященной 275-летию Санкт-Петербургского университета. 8-9 апреля 1999 г. СПб., 1999. С. 217-220. [Reshetov, A.M. Professor Vinnikov as an Ethnographer // Materials of the Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Dedicated to the 275th Anniversry of SPSU. 8-9 April 1999. SPb, 1999. P. 217-220].

Author: A.R., ed.

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