
Karsky Evfimiy Fedorovich (Feodorovich)

1 January [ 20 December 1860] 1861 (1861-01), Lasha village, Grodno Uezd, Grodno Governorate — 29 April 1931 (1931-04-30), Leningrad

Biography, education, career:

In 1874–1881 Evfimiy Karsky attended a religious college and seminary. In 1881–1885 he was a student of Nezhinsky Institute of History and Philology of Prince A. A. Bezborodko. In 1885–1891 he taught Russian literature, Russian and Old Slavonic at Second Gymnasium in Vilno. Karsky successively occupied the positions of Privatdocent (1891–1894), Extraordinary Professor (1894–1897), and Ordinary Professor (1897–1916) of Warsaw University. From 1901 he was Corresponding Member, and from 1916 – Full Member of the Academy of Sciences for the Department of Russian Language and Literature. In 1917–1929 he was a member of the Commission for the Study of the Tribal Composition of the Population of the Borderlands of Russia. In 1921–1930 he held the position of Director of the MAE. In 1930–1931 he was Chairman of the Commission of Russian Language, USSR AS. In 1898 he was awarded the Grand Gold Medal of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society for his works on Belorussian ethnography.

Areas of expertise: History and ethnography of Slavic peoples; Ethnic museology; Slavic and Belorussian linguistics

Major publications:

• Белорусы. Варшава, 1903. Т. 1.466 с.; 1908. Т. 2, ч. 1. 579 с.; 1911. Т. 2, ч. 2. 408 с.; 1912. Т. 2, ч. 3. 347 с.; М., 1916. Т. 3. 557 с.; [Belorussians. Warsaw, 1903. Vol. 1. – 466p.; 1908. Vol.2, P.1. – 579p.; 1911. Vol 2., P.2. – 408p.; 1912. Vol.2, P.3. – 347p.; M., 1916. Vol.3. – 557p.];

• Этнографическая карта белорусского племени. Пг., 1917 (Труды КИПС. Вып. 2); Пг., 1918 (отд. изд.). 172 с.; [Ethnographic Map of the Belorussian Tribe. Pg., 1917 (Works of the CSTC. Iss.2.); Pg., 1918. – 172p.];

• Русская диалектология. Л., 1924. 172 с.; [Russian Dialectology. L., 1924. – 172p.];

• Из архива академика Е.Ф. Карского // КПК. 1997. Вып. 6-7. С. 88-110. [From the Archive of Academician E.F. Karsky].

About E. Karsky:

• Гринблат М.Я. Е.Ф. Карский как белорусский этнограф // Известия АН БССР. Минск, 1951. № 4. С. 55-64; [Grinblat, M.Y. E.F. Karsky as a Belorussian Ethnographer // Bulletin of the BSSR AS. Minsk. № 4. P.p. 55-64];

• Бондарчик В.К. Изучение культуры белорусского народа Е.Ф. Карским // ОИРЭФА. 1971. Вып. V. (ТИЭ. Научный сборник. Т. 95). С. 160-170; [Bondarchik, V.K. E.F. Karsky’s Studying the Culture of Belorussians // OIREFA (Sketches on the History of Russian History Ethnography, Folklore Studies, and Anthropology). 1971. Iss. V. P.p. 160-170];

• Булахов М.Г. Е.Ф. Карский: жизнь, научная и общественная деятельность. Минск, 1981. 271 с.; [Bulakhov, M.G. E.F. Karsky: Life, Scientific and Public Work. Minsk, 1981. – 271p.];

• Решетов А.М. Е.Ф. Карский // КПК. 1996. Вып. 4-5. С. 24-47. [Reshetov, A.M. E.F. Karsky].

Author: A.R., ed.

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